Author: debbrathorne

Why is it taking so Long?

They know next to nothing as a rule about their own history, or the histories of other nations, or the histories of the various social movements that have risen and fallen in the past, and they certainly know little or nothing of the complexities and contradictions comprised within words like ‘socialism’ and ‘capitalism.’ Chiefly, what they have been trained not to know or even suspect is that, in many ways, they enjoy far fewer freedoms, and suffer under a more intrusive centralized state, than do the citizens of countries with more vigorous social-democratic institutions.” –David Bentley Hart “The world we live in is too complicated for this shit.” –Charles Stross “When you’ve nothing to lose, fear and social norms are irrelevant.” –SC Price 5 “You’re imaging a Cool Cyberpunk Future, I’m describing an Actual Cyberpunk Present.” –Kevin Halse “Liberals and conservatives are basically Catholics vs Protestants: Two factions within the same group that think they’re totally different, casino babu88 but look identical to anyone on the outside.” –Amy Dentata “What if corruption kink that was really just giving wayward youths a look at what feeling emotionally healthy and well-cared for and understood and accepted is like? ONE WOULD THINK – that I’d know better than to name my computers after Babylonian deities..” –Hasufin “Isms are wasms.” –Abbie Hoffman “I want to live much farther north, like in Maine.

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